Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Haikuesday Baby Day!

As many readers of the blog may know (all six or seven of you), my friend Belinda of Blogaphobia fame (even though she hasn't updated in a year) has been expecting a baby. And yesterday, after a good many false starts earlier in the month, she finally decided to arrive!

So today's Haikuesday is for you, Avery Elizabeth Potter. I can't wait to meet you, watch you grow up, and see what a beauiful woman you become.

One day we'll tell you
How the Olympics helped bring
you into this world

Avery Potter
Lovely - But you'll always be
Pepper in our hearts

Love you already baby girl!

-over and out-


Nikki said...

Bwahahahahah! YES! To all of this.

Belinda's expected to go home on Wednesday. We'll have to see when she's up for visits.

Betty (Beth) said...

Definitely. I can't wait to meet Avery (Pepper) Potter. :-)