Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Big Stuff

Yesterday evening I helped my sister-in-law make cute little signs for her Kindergarten students. We made a N is for Noodles girl and glued pasta all over with Elmer’s Glue. Honestly, if teaching was just doing arts and crafts projects and not actually dealing with children, I would have been perfect for it. Luckily for Hayley, she is great with the kids too, so she gets the best of both worlds. J

Hanging out last night led me to ponder a few big life moments. Hayley is having several lately. She graduated with her teaching degree in May, started her first teaching job a few weeks ago, and she and Clayton are expecting their first baby in January. Is it possible for me to be more happy for them? Nope. When I think about them as parents, my smile pretty much pops off my face and runs around hugging random strangers.

And the happy doesn’t stop there either. Another friend is having a baby in November (with a Baby Shower to be held at my house soon), and today I found out that a long time friend had finally proposed to his long-time girlfriend. Joy is abounding in my friendship circle. Hooray!

So in honor of the big stuff, your Haikuesday:

Clayton & Hayley
three hearts beat in time when
they are together

Taking the big plunge
Isn’t quite as frightening
with your best friend there

Wiping dirty butts
Cleaning up vomit and spit
Glad to be an aunt. ;-)

Also, did you hear we are famous? My lovely friend Kamiah decided to write her own Haikus on her blog, Jane Austen Never Prepared Me For This, and she was inspired by our Haikuesday. Soon the whole world will be speaking in short 5/7/5 syllable sentences every Tuesday! My quest for Haikuesday World Domination is one step closer!!


-Over and Out-

1 comment:

Charlie said...

The World doesnt need haikuesday. It already has a short attention span system, its called Twitter. Gotta love 140 characters. And where is the love for your siblings from afar coming home? no love indeed...