Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Snowed In Christmas

It's 12:19 on Saturday afternoon, December 26. I should be at my Grandad's house for our day after Christmas giftgiving this year, but I'm not. Instead I am relaxing happily in a reclining chair at my in-laws country house. Remanents from yesterday's gift opening/giving are scattered around me. Bits of wrapping paper, a spare bow or two and the tree lights are twinkling. I can look out the window and see snow falling lightly on fields of pure white. Beautiful isolation surrounds us. I'm even typing this blog on notepad because there is no internet and I'm keeping my cellphone turned off because we barely have service. We are officially snowed in, and I couldn't be more pleased!

I got word from my mom last night that we were cancelling Grandad's Christmas, so we wouldn't be needing to dig out and unfreeze my completely unsnow-worthy Mecury Mistake (as Daniel calls it) to be at Grandad's by 11:00 a.m. Instead, I slept in till 9, ate a leisurly breakfast and just got done playing in the snow with Emily. I've had my first four-wheeler ride, my first car-hood sled ride pulled by four-wheeler, and we dug lots of tunnels underneath giant snow drifts.

I have nowhere I need to be, no projects I need to work on. No baking that needs to be done in time for this party or that. All I have to do is relax. I have a stack of books to go through, we have plenty of board games to play, and comfy recliners to take lazy naps on. I feel a little sad about not being able to see my family, but right now I know that this day is a gift. So thanks Mother Nature, for forcing me to relax. I'm not the sort of person to look a gift horse in the mouth, so I won't be wasting this present. In fact, I feel a nap coming on right about now.



Jeanne said...

We flew into KC and drove to Warrensburg on the evening of the 23rd, so we were there for the big snow. It was nice to stay in and relax. Not so nice driving back to the airport on the 27th, though!

Betty (Beth) said...

I wondered if you were in town then and I crossing my fingers that you weren't stuck in the snow!

Believe it or not, it's snowing again right now. I'm starting to wonder if I'll see the grass again before April. :-)

Jenny Maloney said...

That is a crazy amount of snow.