Tuesday, December 30, 2008

TimeWasters Anonymous

So I've been reading Neil Gaiman's blog a lot lately, and about everyday there is a new update on the Coraline Movie and its accompaning extremely sweet site.

I finally decided to check out said site, and look what happened!!

The site is pretty darn cool. They have a ton of places to explore and activities to do, and I believe they are adding more everyday.

Also: Seriously man, Daniel sucks.*

*That's for making fun of my writing, meano-face!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Have yourself a merry little Christmas, everyone! Stay safe, happy, and content.

Lots of love,

Beth (and Judy)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Peanut Butter Crappers

A few weeks ago, while drinking a rather delicious beer at Harry's Country Club with my friend Ashley, I decided that I liked cookies. Now, this wasn't too big of a revelation, since cookies are great, but what WAS big was that I thought,
"Why don't we all get together and MAKE cookies?"

And so the "Cookie Party" was born.

Yes I know. I am a genius.

We all met on Sunday afternoon with cookie doughs in hand (with the exception of Belinda who had been catching rays in California that weekend), ready for an awesome time. And I have to say that an awesome time was had.

Here are a few of the awesome cookies we made.

We made some in the "traditional style"

And some untraditional. :-)

(Carolyn's Christmas Shark)
As you can see, we got pretty creative. :-)

Maybe a little "too" creative.

We even made a new mustache for Daniel!

I made Alex a little Alex cookie!

They got along really well...

And of course we made some "not-so-nice cookies" too...
(Cover your eyes kids!)

We named them Eunich, Adam, and Eve!

Adam forgot to wear pants, Eve wore her Christmas Tree Fig Leaf, and Eunich, has no pants, but he does have a raher nice bowtie. Thank you Ashley!
All in all it was one lovely afternoon of cookie making, baking, and decorating! I'm pretty sure we've started a new tradition, and I'm glad.....cause I lika dem cookies! Mmmmmmmm!